Guang gzi suddenly swallowed the fruit of nihility, the air on his body is obviously different, a kind of unreal ty feeling appeared in his body, as if heaveh are in the dark, nothing affect him.
“What a mysterious feeling!“
Guanggzi was immersed in the ges after the at of the fate of the nihilistiable to pull out by himself.
Hongmeng ily he side said, very satisfied.
Hiroyuki"s roots were better than he had imagined.
This nihilistic fruit is the fruit that grows from the root of the spirit of chaos. It is hree realms, the five elements, the six cycles of rebirth, or between heaveh.
Guang gzi absorbed its power, not only es the fate, iure, there are opportuo uhe true meaning of fate.
“Thanks a lot to hongmeng Road friends!“
Hiroshige, shirtless i of the body, the lower part of the body i spring, oe, very polite.
He ith ext.
He ast and no future has o. From then on no one could calculate him, nor yoe him.
However, whether it is hongmeng Free heaven , in the eed wuji.
What Luo Jinxian "t do, he do.
“Usurpatio of fate, fruit for cause, show the source!“
Whehe child"s fate flus, inally busy with the development of divine law, bing the law of heaveh wuji road suddenly opened his eyes, a ripass from his head flying out, to the river of time to send out a fate of the f up d clouds, followed the wide into the child"s air.
Gas transport, fate, siimes e.
A person"s luck level, it will determie of this persoransph, the wheel of fortuurn in favor of the persoransport is low, the person will suffer great misfortune.
I is ed that the big Luo jinxia of the river of fate, simply blowing air.
Jump out of the river of fate, their ow be disturbed by any factors.
These faot only the loime around, disciples, gatekeepers, friends of Taoism and so on, but also qi, virtues, karma aors.
If the loe is classified, it be roughly divided ihe first level is the former, the sed level is merit, air trac.
Eveues of the air p out, at most just jump out of the loe, p out of the sed level.
Guang gzi swallowed the nihilistic fruit of the fate, io some extent out of the trol of the fate, but he will still be affected by the karma.
At the beginning, must carry the Taoist, from the prehistorisport, lht body died of flaws. However, the Wuji road with the door tas traurn without suess.
Layer upon layer of pursuit, the force of fate that weak flus, ed to find the source.
Hongmeng fortable day zu move, he moved, will be exposed to the wuji Zun snow eyes.
“The fate in the dark, folloel the mist in front of me, reveal the truth of the fate!“
Wuji road at the same time out of the arms, siioo capture the two groups of divie, again into the river of time.
Rumble! Rumble!
In an instant, the p destiny sed ao ainy brand, which broke the eime and spa instahe geable Guang gzi.
At this moment, just when Guang gzi opened his eyes ah ged, he did he existeiny"s brand.
The heaveing opposite the Taoist queeh very puzzled.
“What is Daoyou doihe son of the flow of the vely wipe out is also, why spend this energy?“
She "t uand. Wase Master the least g? How all of a suddehe der the dark hand.
lai i hongmeng fortable heaven is not a simple figure. The fruit tree of destiny, such as chaos spirit root aybe, he has other people behind him. oor road has just doo make use of Guao subtly tra of fate to Hong Meng Zi"s body, so as to find out who is behind the ses.“
The empress of the earth looked at the Wuji road, shook her head, now the Wuji road, anding.
It"s a matter of philosophy.
Before, wuji Road ahe habit of pressure, but now, two people are almost to the peak of the monastic road, Wuji road is suddenly ged, make her ued.
The riest said patiehe poor don"t want to calculate. The problem that solve with fist, poor road solve with fist ly. But this oanding behind a god of chaos.“
“Tao friends may wish to thihe of the world, the existehe power, araw, repair also go up. If he had been so stupid, he would not be alive now.“
The empress of the earth"s fa calmed down.
It is not unon to be fused with spiritual roots. Whehem opeh wlong planted a chaos spirit root with the power of his owion.
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